Sunday, April 3, 2011

A is for Aiyana - Yup, that's me!

Fancy that! I can use myself as the subject for my first post for the A to Z Challenge.

I am a tortie kitten getting close to 7 months old. My mom initially rescued me when I was around 5 weeks old from a gas station parking lot when I was really sick. She brought me home, nursed me back to help, and I joined the group of cats in the house.

I have 5 brothers and 1 sister, and I have to say I am the crazy one! I terrorize all of them, even the cranky old Russell who doesn't like anyone. I'm constantly getting into trouble and being a butthead. Like for last night as an example, I was trying to eat the airline tubing that my mom has for a fish tank in her room. She told me no, shooed me down, and I went crawling for her forgiveness. 10 minutes later I was back to it.

Here's a list of some of my favorite things ever:
Belly rubs.
Tubes of chapstick!
Helping with puzzles. (Although, it's more like stealing puzzle pieces than helping.)
Lazer lights are the best invention ever.
The dog's treats.
Strings on pants.
Plastic bags.
Good hiding places to sneak up on people and attack them.
Wet food.
The dog's food.
Harassing the other cats to play.

That's all I'll post for now 'cause I have a to-do list today about a mile long.

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